Aaron has over 17 years’ experience working in paediatrics across a range of settings including community services, inpatient children’s wards and complex needs schools. During this time Aaron has worked within the NHS and for the past seven years in the private sector. Aaron has a particular interest in Neurological impairment and is passionate about helping children with additional needs develop and learn new skills.
Aarons post graduate training has included Bobath, advanced Bobath for early intervention, Kinesiotaping, sensory integration module one, chailey postural management, 2 x MSc modules in advanced children’s OT, Bayleys developmental assessment (standardised 0 - 5 assessment) CIMT (constraint induced movement therapy), moving and handling: train the trainer and the assisting hand assessment and BOHA.
Aaron is a member of the royal college of Occupational Therapy as well as their specialist section Children, young people and families. Aaron is a registered professional with the Health Care Professionals Council (HCPC).
Aaron lives near to Maldon, Essex and is married with 2 year old twins, Arthur and Arlo and a 9 year old daughter Sofia. He is a keen fitness enthusiast and enjoys competing in Crossfit and fitness competitions.